20. To end problems, stop thinking

To end problems, stop thinking.

What’s the difference between yes and no?
What’s the difference between failure and success?

Must you mold yourself to the form of others
–say yes to their yes and no to their no?


Others are snagged in frivolity
mistaking it for happiness. But
alone and homeless I’m at peace
as a newborn before it’s first smile.

Others are content having.
But I have no thing. I’m adrift
as windbourn dust, homeless.
I’m an idiot with an empty mind.
Empty as a bellows.

Others shine, but I’m in the dark.
Others are keen, but I’m as dull
as a man without purpose.

I admit it. I don’t know.
Have you seen a leaf on a breeze?
That’s me.

Between me and ordinary is a canyon.
My sustainence is the mother of all.


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